Friday, April 8, 2005
[563 B.C.- Gautama Buddha born as Prince Siddhartha in Kapilvastu, Nepal]
[1935 - Congress approves FDR Works Progress Administration (WPA) to relieve economic hardship of Depression]
[1945 - Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Lutheran theologian who defied Nazis, is hanged]
[1952 - President Truman enters labor dispute; places steel plants under his control]
[1981 - General Omar Bradley, first JCS Chairman, dies]
Free Will
Some aver it's God's gift to Humanity.
Many Skeptics argue it's but a Fallacy.
Others believe on strings we dance.
Still more claim we are ruled by Chance.
Surely, all do cause confusion.
Free Will's a Necessary Illusion.
Behave thou as if it doth exist,
But allow thy doubt to yet persist.
William's Whimsical Words:
Is free will like free lunch?
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