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Monday, November 1, 2004

Library of Congress
[1897 - First Library of Congress building opened to the public]


What you have to get a handle on in order to understand the invasion of Iraq is the important difference between WMD and MWD:

WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) - These are nuclear (or as our President calls them "nucular"), biological, and chemical weapons. The internationally sanctioned inspection teams looked all over Iraq for these weapons (until we told them to leave so we could invade) but could not find a trace of same. That is because Saddam had apparently destroyed them about a decade ago. Nevertheless, the Administration continued to insist they were stockpiled in Iraq and would be given to terrorists or used against us unless we struck preemptively, even though there was great controversy in the intelligence community about this claim. We then expended millions of taxpayer dollars and lots of our expert search team members in the futile search for these phantom weapons until forced to admit that there were none. The President then blamed the intelligence community, and the CIA Director resigned.

MWD (Massive amounts of Weapons of Destruction) - These are conventional weapons such as high explosives, artillery rounds, and RPGs. The internationally sanctioned inspection teams told us precisely where in Iraq they had found and placed under seal large quantities of these weapons (until we told them to leave so we could invade) and urged us to move rapidly to secure them so they would not fall into the hands of terrorists. Nevertheless, the Administration paid no heed to these warnings as we struck preemptively, even though there was no controversy in the intelligence community about this claim. We then expended too little in taxpayer dollars and too few of our understaffed armed forces search team members in the securing of these known weapons until forced to admit that they had been extensively looted and were unaccounted for. The President then passed the buck to the Pentagon, told us about the explosives that had been destroyed since that clearly justifies losing the ones that weren't, and whined that it was all just politics. No one resigned.

Oh well, what is 754,000 pounds of missing high grade explosives among mortal enemies? Particularly when you consider that it takes less than ten pounds of same to make a vest for a suicide bomber, or to make one of the car bombs or IEDs that have killed more of our troops in Iraq than enemy bullets. Nice going, Commander in Chief, sir.

IAEA Inspector checks for intact seal on high explosive storage bunker in Iraq

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