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Franklin bifocals Sunday, October 20, 2013

Louisiana Purchase - Mingo
[1803 - The US Senate ratifies the Louisiana Purchase Treaty, doubling the size of the country]

Philosopher John Dewey    John Dewey quotation    Educator John Dewey
[1859 - John Dewey, educator, psychologist, philosopher, born in Burlington, Vermont]

Composer Charles Ives    Composer Charles Ives
[1874 - Charles Ives, Pulitzer Prize-winning composer, born in Danbury, Connecticut]

Actor Bela Lugosi    Actor Bela Lugosi    Bela Lugosi as Count Dracula
[1882 - Bela Lugosi (Blasko), actor, born in Lugos, Transylvania, Hungary]

Blues Great Jelly Roll Morton    Bandleader Jelly Roll Morton    Blues Great Jelly Roll Morton
[1890 - Ferdinand 'Jelly Roll' Morton, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame singer, piano player, bandleader, born in New Orleans]

Mystery Writer Fred Dannay    Mystery Writer Ellery Queen
[1905 - Ellery Queen (Frederic Dannay), author, born in Brooklyn]

Actress Arlene Francis    Actress Arlene Francis    Hostess Arlene Francis
[1907 - Arlene Francis (Kazanjian), actress, born in Boston, Massachusetts]

Actor Herschel Bernardi
[1923 - Herschel Bernardi, actor,
born in New York City]

Columnist Art Buchwald    Writer Art Buchwald
[1925 - Art Buchwald, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist, writer, born in New York City]

Mickey Mantle   Mantle Hall of Fame plaque    Mickey Mantle
[1931 - Mickey (Charles) Mantle, Yankee Baseball Hall of Famer, born in Spavinaw, Oklahoma]

Rosey Brown    Hall of Famer Rosey Brown
[1932 - Roosevelt 'Rosey' Brown, Jr., Pro Football Hall of Fame NY Giants offensive tackle, born in Charlottesville, Virginia]

Actor Jerry Orbach    Actor Jerry Orbach    Actor Jerry Orbach
[1935 - Jerome Bernard 'Jerry' Orbach, Tony Award-winning actor, born in The Bronx]

[1947 - Red Scare - House Un-American Activities Committee opens investigation into
communist infiltration of American movie industry]

1965 Volvo PV544
[1965 - The last PV544 is driven off the Volvo assembly line in Sweden]

Sydney Opera House
[1973 - The Sydney Opera House opens]

Plain Scared

On this anniversary of the Red Scare of the '40s and '50s it seems appropriate to take note of the scare tactics exploited by more recent politicians to advance their political agenda.   The greatly increased surveillance of citizens, secret searches of telephone logs, email, and library records, sweeping police powers under the "Patriot" act, and other repressive measures perpetrated by the Bush-Cheney administration made a mockery of our Constitutional rights in the name of the War on Terror.    When the Attorney General (Chief law enforcement officer in the nation) made an open appeal for US citizens to spy on one another, you knew that our rights and freedoms were in serious jeopardy.   Add to this a mentality in the White House, Pentagon, and Department of Justice that put the President and his Cabinet above the law when they claimed to be combating the terrorist threat, and you had the makings of a classic police state.

Our spineless representatives in Congress were neither a check nor a balance on the excesses of the Executive Branch, then or now.   In fear of being painted as soft on terrorism in the next election, they rubber stamped or caved-in to whatever the President sent them.   The only bulwark against the attack on our freedoms was the federal judiciary, but President Bush may have removed this impediment by packing the courts with loyal right wing ideologues.   Nor has the Obama administration completely reversed or abandoned these numerous threats to our individual rights fashioned by its predecessor.

With the help of our own government, Osama Bin Laden succeeded in moving the USA in the direction of a Christian Fundamentalist Society that, if left unchecked, could prove every bit as repressive as the Muslim Fundamentalist Society that he espoused.   The possibility that Mitt Romney, a creature of the Privileged Right whose open contempt for almost half the citizenry was fortunately exposed, could have been elected President, held the potential to erase several centuries of US progress in just a few decades and was narrowly avoided in 2012.   The latest threat, a bought and paid for Congress populated with numbers of ideologues more concerned with their own personal interests than the future of the nation portends the end of representative government as an American institution.   Whew!

William's Whimsical Words:

O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave . . .

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