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Ben Franklin's bifocals Thursday, September 28, 2006 cat o' nine tails

flogging on a navy ship
[1850 - Congress outlaws flogging on Navy ships]

Playwright & Director Elmer Rice

[1892 - Elmer Rice (Elmer Reizenstein), Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright, director, born in New York City]

CBS Founder William Paley
[1901 - William S. Paley, TV Hall of Fame broadcast executive, born in Chicago]

Cartoonist Al Capp Cartoonist Al Capp and his Lil Abner creation
[1909 - Al Capp (Alfred Gerald Caplin), cartoonist, born in New Haven, Connecticut]

Actor Peter Finch
[1916 - Peter Finch (Frederick George Peter Ingle-Finch), Academy Award-winning actor, born in London]

Football Great Tom Harmon Sportscaster Tom Harmon
[1919 - Tom Harmon, football player & broadcaster, born in Rensselaer, Indiana]

Go Away

get US troops out story

In other words, according to a study conducted by our own State Department and other independent agencies, three out of every four Iraqis in Baghdad want the US troops to leave. About two out of every three Baghdad-resident Iraqis would like to see the US troops gone tomorrow, and believe that if they pulled out the city would be safer. I can think of no more devastating rebuttal to the false claims made by President Bush and his yes people. The very citizens that we are now concentrating our efforts to protect want us to leave immediately so that they can take care of their own problems.

This result should not be surprising. If Iraqi troops had invaded our country, imprisoned the president, executed his two daughters, and disbanded all military and police forces, we might be anxious to have them gone. If, after 3 1/2 years there remained over 140,000 Iraqi troops in this country, together with another 20,000 from other Arab states, and they showed no signs of leaving, we might begin to suspect their motives. If, in addition, a total breakdown of law and order had occurred, resulting in widespread racial and ethnic violence with thousands of US citizens dying every month, we might be only too happy to show these unwelcome guests out.

How much longer are we supposed to listen to the lies that are promulgated by the President and the other talking heads in his Administration before we rise up and demand that he stop this useless bloodshed and bring our troops home?

Iraqi funeral

hooded Iraqi POW with son

William's Whimsical Words:

So, what part of "get the US troops out of my country" don't you understand, Mr. President?

Fallujah banner

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