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Saturday, June 26, 2004

[1918 - US Marine brigade captures Belleau Wood]
Belleau Wood machine gun positionBelleau Wood Monument

I Said It & I'm Glad

As expressed in yesterday's comment, Hear, Here, William initially found Vice President Cheney's Senatorial Outburst of Profanity amusing. Now that the Right Honorable Veep has appeared on one of the news channels sounding anything but contrite or chagrined, second thoughts are in order. Mr. Cheney, (following a long-standing tradition in the current administration), flatly refused to acknowledge error, and instead vigorously defended his childish outburst proclaiming that he "felt better" after his misbehavior, and was only uttering sentiments shared by many of his colleagues. One has little doubt that on those two points he is showing some real sincerity.

Having gone down to the sea in ships with sailors for twenty years, there is no form of profanity that would be likely to surprise or offend William. Indeed, the image of the Vice President using seventh grade locker room language on the floor of the usually pompous US Senate is kind of endearing. What gives one pause is the realization that the very same Vice President is a heart beat away from having his finger on the nuclear trigger. This is the same Dick Cheney who on September 11, 2001, twice ordered the shoot-down of US commercial airliners at a time when NORAD was being told that one of the flights that had already crashed into the World Trade Center was still airborne and headed for Washington, DC. This Nation deserves a cooler head in control of a very itchy trigger finger.

jet fires missile

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