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franklin-bifocals-60 Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Architect Benjamin Henry Latrobe
[1764 - Benjamin Henry Latrobe, architect, born in
Yorkshire, England]

Painter George Innes    Painter George Innes
[1825 - George Inness, artist, born near Newburgh, New York]

Labor Leader Mother Jones
[1830 - Mary Harris 'Mother' Jones, labor
leader, born in Cork, Ireland]

Frontierswoman Calamity Jane    Frontierswoman Calamity Jane
[1852 - Calamity Jane (Martha Jane Cannary), frontierswoman, born in Princeton, Missouri]

Admiral Dewey in Battle of Manila Bay
[1898 - Battle of Manila Bay, Admiral Dewey defeats Spanish in Philippines]

Comedian Louis Nye    Comedian Louis Nye
[1913 - Louis Nye (Neistat), comedian, actor, born in Hartford, Connecticut]

Actor Glenn Ford    Commander Glenn Ford, USN
[1916 - Glenn Ford (Gwyllyn Samuel Newton Ford), actor, born in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada]

TV Host Jack Paar    Comedian Jack Paar
[1918 - Jack Paar, Tonight Show host, comedian, born in Canton, Ohio]

Writer Joseph Heller    Joseph Heller - his Catch 22 novel    Recluse Writer Joseph Heller    Writer Joseph Heller
[1923 - Joseph Heller, writer, born in Brooklyn, New York]

Empire State Building
[1931 - The Empire State Building is opened to the public by President Hoover]

Singer, Pianist, Shirley Horn    Singer, Pianist, Shirley Horn    Singer Shirley Horn with a Grammy
[1934 - Shirley Horn, jazz pianist, singer, born in Washington, D.C.]

President Bush in a flight suit pretending to be a warrior
[2003 - President Bush stages a photo-op
in USS Abraham Lincoln]
(Please See Below)

Mission Accomplished
(With Apologies to Dorothy Parker)

Upon my honor, he shocked like Madonna,
When he landed on the Abraham Lincoln.
A flight suit wore Bush to cover his tush.
Honest Abe's eyes are still blinking.
Abraham Lincoln blinks    Bush in Flight

The sign told a lie as he fell from the sky
To tell the press that combat was over. Bush with Banner
The troops who since died are so satisfied
To hear this as they push up the clover.

flag-draped coffins

No one could see Saddam's WMD,
When they searched all over Iraq.
The government lied; war is unjustified.
Some brave troops are not coming back.

In vain sought he grace and tried to save face.
As he sent more troops to their death.
A Surge will he make, to compound his mistake.
While someone else's kids draw a last breath.

coffins closeup

William's Whimsical Words:

Please don't tell me the war was worth it; tell it to the loved ones of the troops who died in Iraq.

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