Poor William's Almanack and Journal
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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

death of Julius Caesar
[44 B.C. - Gaius Julius Caesar, dictator, stabbed to death in Roman Senate by 60 conspirators]

Andrew Jackson
[1767 - Andrew Jackson born in Garden of the Waxhaws, South Carolina]

Maine coast
[1820 - Maine enters the Union as the twenty-third state]

Some Changes

Gentle Reader,

For over a year now I have been building this website in the best tradition of Field of Dreams. Now that some of you have come, and a rare few may follow me on a daily or weekly basis, I am loath to change direction without explanation. Keeping up the Almanack has become something of a challenge, and it is consuming much of my energy and a good deal of my time. While I love doing the Almanack, it seems to me that to the extent it is devoted to political and social commentary, others are doing it better. Indeed, I have only to pick up a copy of the New Yorker or The Nation to find myself repeating, "Gee, I wish I had said that!"

I will continue the almanac tradition with daily entries (and occasional gaps), but for the most part the material will be reruns of last year's stuff. When I do choose to publish something new or substantially reworked in the Almanack, I will alert you to this by a more judicious use of the "NEW" label. I intend to devote more of my time to writing some longer pieces for the Journal, and publishing some new material. These items will also be identified by the label "NEW."

To those of you who have gifted me with words of encouragement, I offer my heartfelt thanks. You have helped me find the courage to go on.

To those of you who have offered me criticism, constructive or otherwise, I am forever in your debt. You have helped me find my voice.

To those of you who have stumbled into my web site by mistake, I extend my condolences. You have but to click on your browser's BACK button to be rid of me.

Will Henry

Edgar writing

William's Whimsical Words:

Nothing so permanent as change.

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Last updated on March 15, 2005

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