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Franklin bifocals Thursday, January 29, 2015

Patriot Thomas Paine    Thomas Paine's - Common Sense
[1737 - Thomas Paine, political philosopher, patriot, writer, born in Thetford, Great Britain ]

Writer Anton Chekhov    Playwright Anton Chekhov    Writer Anton Chekhov    Writer Anton Chekhov
[1860 - Anton Chekhov, playwright, writer, born in Taganrog, Russia]

Kansas Prairie
[1861 - Kansas enters the Union as a free state]

J.D. Rockefeller Jr    Industrialist John Davison Rockefeller Jr.    Industrialist John Davison Rockefeller Jr.
[1874 - John Davison Rockefeller, Jr., industrialist, philanthropist, born in Cleveland, Ohio]

W. C. Fields    Comedian W. C. Fields    Comedian W. C. Fields    Comedian W. C. Fields
[1880 - W. C. Fields (William Claude Dukenfield), actor, comedian, born in Darby, Pennsylvania]

Actor Victor Mature    Actor Victor Mature
[1913 - Victor (John) Mature (Maturi), actor, born in Louisville, Kentucky]

Actor, Singer John Raitt    Actor, Singer John Raitt    Actor, Singer John Raitt
[1917 - John Emmett Raitt, actor, singer, born in Santa Anna, California]

Actor John Forsythe    Actor John Forsythe    Actor John Forsythe    Actor John Forsythe
[1918 - John Forsythe (Jacob Lincoln Freund), actor, born in Penns Grove, New Jersey]

Playwright Paddy Chayefsky    Screenwriter Paddy Chayefsky    Playwright Paddy Chayefsky
[1923 - Paddy (Sidney Aaron) Chayefsky, Academy Award-winning screenwriter, playwright, born in the Bronx]

No Paine, No Gain

Thomas Paine was at various times in his life a corset-maker, tobacconist, preacher, schoolmaster, customs official, editor, writer, soldier, engineer, convicted felon, outlaw, and legislator. By current day standards he can hardly be called a success, since he never made much money or wielded significant power. He died sick and broke (except for a modest farm) in 1809 in Greenwich Village, New York City. His obituary was a classic example of damnation by faint praise. His body was later disinterred from its burial place in New Rochelle, New York; his bones were then lost and remain so to this day.

How is it then that this Englishman played such an important role in the formation of the United States of America? Why did the Founding Fathers such as Washington, Franklin, Monroe, and Jefferson clearly see and appreciate his genius and importance in history? How is it that Washington read aloud from one of his pamphlets to buck up the troops during that terrible winter at Valley Forge?

William's Whimsical Words:

The answer to these questions is just Common Sense.

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